International Scientific Events 2015

11.02.2015 07:50

International Scientific Events 2015
Elenite Holiday Village, Bulgaria                                                                               russian


Invitation Letter

Science and Education foundation and its partners kindly invite you to take part in the scientific events that we are holding in Elenite Holiday Village, Bulgaria during 2015. All the papers presented will be published in open access online journals, part of International Scientific Publications (

Conferences in June 2015

The 3rd International Conference "Agriculture and Food", 
which will be held on 1-5 June.

The 24td International Conference "Ecology and Safety", 
which will be held on 4-8 June.

The 17th International Conference "Materials, Methods and Technologies", 
which will be held on 7-11 June.

The 1st International Conference “Energy Resources: Technology & Policy", 
which will be held on 10-14 June.

Conferences in September 2015

The 14th International Conference "Economy and Business", 
which will be held on 1-5 September.

The 6th International Conference "Education, Research and Development", 
which will be held on 4-8 September.

The 9th International Conference "Language, Individual and Society", 
which will be held on 7-11 September.

The 4rd International Conference "Media and Mass Communication", 
which will be held on 10-14 September.

For more information and registration:

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